In 2020 we set out to create SeaBD 75 CBD Immune Stress Formula because we wanted to help people lower the amount of stress they were feeling from normal day to day life, work, relationships, and from time to time the random global crisis; i.e., “2020”

Yes, stress does greatly effect our immune system, and if our bodies are depleted of nutrients then there’s even more of a burden placed on the body’s ability to effectively fight foreign invaders that enter our system.

So it only made sense that the formula should support the immune system and strengthen immunity while also reducing the perception of stress, anxiety, and lift mood.

Back in 2004 I had my own health challenges that were almost life-ending.  And throughout my journey to restore health, wellness, and vitality, I became a certified nutritional counselor, and ultimately a traditional naturopathic physician.  The holistic doctor that got me up and going again became my mentor, and taught me the functional aspects of health and wellness at the cellular level.

This lead to the understanding of how, why, and when perceived stress and the immune system interact and sometimes collide.

We’re humble to say that the countless hours of research and development have paid off and SeaBD 75 CBD Immune Stress Formula is the result of all of our intention.  You can truly feel the difference.

SeaBD Founder
